Thursday, July 29, 2010

Metro Comic Con School Tour CSB Edition

Yesterday was the Metro comic con school tour at the De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde.

I wasn't supposed to be there because I have an errand to do and I'm not a student of that school but due to the "convincing"(LOL) of my friend/guildmate erin whom a student at Saint Benilde.(and also my interest in the field of arts) I end up going there.

I came at Vito Cruz LRT Station at 12:40pm then
I meet up with erin, actually it's my first time to enter their school. It was like "Hello Saint Benilde". Anyway enough with the campus tour lol. The MCC was held at the Green Room at the 10th floor, we came there just in time, then we bump one of erin's friend Reeza whom also going to the MCC so we tag along. when I was up to sign for the entrance form it seems i'm the ONLY(because i'm the only one who signed without the student I.D.) outsider came to the said comic seminar! XD

MCC started with some guess artist like Manix Abrera,Lyndon Gregorio,Danny Acuna(I love how sir Danny joke and tell some stories XD) and some more prominent artist here and abroad(sorry I forgot the other artists =__=) sharing how they started in the comic book industry. They also have a lecture on how create a good portfolio headed by sir Heubert Khan Michael, I personally like that lecture XD

Lastly the portfolio review!(gulp) me and erin had our portfolio reviewed by sir Ernest Hernandez, erin's portfolio was good and she was said that her coloring style was good despite how she hates her coloring XD next was my porfolio, I was shocked how sir Ernest told me how'd he like my rush C.C. fan art seriously!? I was expecting more lecture from him but he said I just need a little bit more balancing the hand structure. it was like "really?? thats all I need to improve? XD"

After our portfolio got reviewed we decided to left because erin still have a class and I was still sleepy XD

Lastly here's a photo of me,erin and reeza with sir Manix Abrera(creator of KikoMachine) XD

P.S. thanks erin for the gate pass XD

Friday, July 23, 2010

Till next time!

You know who you are...

Well... Sorry! for what I've done to you and it turn out that I'm not really the person you called "Master dex" sorry... I'm not the perfect guy who can save you always...

I just want to say this before I leave in your sight because I won't be bothering you for the next few months or maybe years I guess? XD I just need time... A time to let this feeling for you... fade...

Well thats it, bidding a goodbye... Till next time friend. ^^

Thursday, July 8, 2010

First Love

First love... I can't remember when I first learn the meaning of those words but what is really its meaning? The first girl whom you loved or the things that we really loved to do?

Manga art is my real first love but it seem fate don't want me to be with my first love...

When was the last time I've grabbed a pencil and drew?

Here I am working under my uncle's business... Alone foolishly trying to become an adult... Working to help my family financially...

It's so hard not able to do the things you really love... It's like the feeling of being choked... Dying silently...

There are a lot of things I want to end but I can't... Because they need me... It's always me...

Why I am thinking about this again?... Sometimes I want to become selfish... but I guess I've already done that... Leaving our guild at Valhalla for a while... I know I shouldn't have done that because I'm the guild master but I'm also a human.. Getting burned out... I have the right to file a leave...

Just like kuya marvin said to me "we just have to be responsible" yeah... But how about for ourselves? when we'll be responsible for ourselves?

Sometimes there are days I want to blame my parents why my life turned out like this...

I've been always fighting against jealousy from my friends since I've stopped studying... Seeing them reaching where they want to go, living the "normal life" of a student.

I'm tired of hearing "you're still young, you can still do a lot of things" I'm already 21yrs old Dammit! when will I have a time for my personal goals? when I'am at 30yrs old? goodness!

It's been two months since me and my sensei argued about my decision for not going to japan... choosing my other responsibility...

Sensei... where are you?...

I just wan't to draw again...
